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VIA DISC - Is it Right For You?

If you suffer from low back pain caused by degenerative disc disease (DDD) or discogenic pain, VIA Disc could be an option – not only for relieving the pain but reversing the damage and repairing the discs from the inside.  This cutting-edge therapy is a non-surgical treatment option for patients suffering from chronic lower back pain resulting from DDD.

Louisiana Pain Specialists is among the few pain management centers in the Gulf Coast Region that is offering this therapy. If you have tried and failed traditional treatment modalities for your low back pain, such as physical therapy, analgesics, and other lumbar injections, VIA DISC may be right for you.

How can intervertebral disc degenerate?

One of the most common causes of low back pain is degeneration of the lumbar intervertebral discs, also known as DDD or degenerative disc disease. Age-related wear and tear takes a toll on the discs, causing dehydration, flattening, and loss of natural cushioning. Just like grapes lose water over time and turn into raisins, your intervertebral discs undergo a similar dehydration process. This process leaves your discs vulnerable to stress, strains on your spinal nerves, and can result in lower back pain.

What is VIA DISC?

VIA Disc is a clinically proven, non-surgical, injectable allograft that utilizes allogeneic tissue and micronized disc material to repair degenerative discs. It is a proven therapy that has been shown to repair damage to degenerative discs and provide significant pain relief and improved function.


VIA DISC procedure can be performed under local or moderate sedation. Under fluoroscopic guidance, your physician will insert a needle though the skin into the center of the intervertebral disc. The VIA DISC NP material will be slowly delivered into the center of the disc.  After delivery, the VIA DISC material will supplement the degenerated disc, providing more cushion, height, and hydration, which leads to pain reduction.

Patients may experience mild post-procedure pain and soreness, which is normal. This normally resolves within a few days after the injection. Patients should begin to experience pain relief within a few weeks after the injection. 

Our physicians at Louisiana Pain Specialists, including Dr. Suneil "Neil" Jolly, Dr. Erik Davis, Dr. Eric Sterne, Dr. Joshua Kaufman, and Dr. John Crosby are accepting new patients. If you're struggling with low back pain, contact us today for a consultation and let us help you get your life back! 

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