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Patient Success Story with Spinal Simplicity’s Minuteman Procedure

Patient Success Story with Spinal Simplicity’s Minuteman Procedure

Spinal Simplicity’s Minuteman Procedure

While every day is rewarding for our providers as they help reduce their patients’ pain, there are some patient success stories that are too good to not share. Mr. Ellis has suffered from low back and leg pain for years. He tried everything from home exercises to physical therapy to spinal injections, and while these treatments provided him some pain relief, his functional levels and quality of life were still compromised by his pain level. At Louisiana Pain Specialists, we were thrilled to be one of the very few providers in the Gulf Coast region to be able to offer Mr. Ellis the minimally-invasive Minuteman procedure by Spinal Simplicity to help treat his low back and leg pain. Nothing makes us happier as provides than hearing Mr. Ellis say that he “hasn’t felt this good in months” and watching him “hop” out of his chair!


Spinal Simplicity’s Minuteman device is a minimally-invasive treatment option for low back and leg pain and functions as an alternative to higher-risk invasive spine surgery. During this short procedure, a device is implanted into the spine through a very small incision with the intention of stabilizing the spine, which may cause a reduction of back and leg pain. It is an alternative to screws and rods used in fixation and fusion surgeries. This procedure’s unique approach does not require the “stripping” of healthy soft tissue, which leads to less blood loss, less post-procedure pain, shorter procedures times, and faster recovery versus traditional spinal fusion methods. The Minuteman is performed at what is considered a “safer zone” in the spine, which avoids potential damage to highly vascularized and neural structures. Often, The Minuteman can be performed with local anesthetic only, which also makes The Minuteman a viable treatment option for higher-risk patients who should avoid general anesthesia involved traditional spinal procedures because of their chronic health conditions.

Is the Minuteman procedure right for me?

1. Do I get pain relief when I bend forward?
2. Does prolonged standing or walking cause increased leg or back pain?
3. Do I get pain relief after sitting?

Did you answer “Yes” to any of these questions? Ask Dr. Suneil (Neil) Jolly, or your provider at Louisiana Pain Specialists, if the Minuteman Procedure may be right for you. Reduce your pain and get back to living your life the way you want, just like Mr. Ellis! Watch the short video interview below to hear from Mr. Ellis himself!

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